Name : Nuzulul Dwi Utami
NIM :  F12109026


Utami, Nuzulul Dwi, 2015. An Analysis on Students’ Effort to Improve

Speaking skill: A Survey Study on Fourth Semester Students of English Education Study Program of Tanjungpura University in Academic Year 2013/2014


Supervisor: 1. Dr. Regina, 2. Wardah M. Pd



The research aimed to find out the kinds of students’ effort in improving speaking skill and the aspects of speaking skill that mostly developed by the fourth semester students of English education study program in academic year 2013/2014. This study used survey method as form of research. College students Experiences questionnaire (CSEQ) and the questionnaire of the aspects speaking skill were used as the primary tools of data collection. The participants (n=69) were fourth semester students of English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University.

The result showed that there were 20 college activities recognized as students’ high efforts. Which included in five activities scale; course learning, art music and theater, campus facilities, personal experiences, and speaking experiences. Additionally, the aspect of speaking skill mostly developed on effort of the student learning was comprehensibility which scores 72.19 %. The conclusions of this research on the activities of students’ effort in improving speaking skill were varied. In the process of it, there was comprehensibility aspect of speaking skill mostly developed by the students.

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